Rp 90.000
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Kegunaan :
- Memudahkan kita mengganti slide power point walaupun dari jarak jauh dari laptop.
- Memiliki sinar laser sebagai penunjuk slide presentasi
- Dapat juga digunakan untuk Ms. Word, Ms. Excel, PDF untuk mengganti halaman.

Laser Button : Laser on/off control
Page Up Button : Slide down control
Page Down Button : Slide Up control
Lock/Unlock Switch : To change battey

LED Indikator
Bliking : Connected and waiting for ID
Off : ID received and waiting for Command
Off-On-Off: Every time command received

Installation and Usage
1. Plug the Receiver USB port.
2. Then the LED indicator will start to blink.
3. Push either the Page down orPage up button for 1-2 seconds. The LED indikator will turn off.
4. Begin your Power Point presentation.
Plug and play.